Is it easy to Lose Weight after 40? – 7 Fixes that’ll help you

Do you feel like your weight loss routines have stopped working in your 40’s? or Your body just doesn’t feel the same anymore?

Well, as you get older, there are some real changes that happen in your body. The changes happen due to age factor or menopause that can eventually lead to weight gain. Most women aren’t aware of such changes.

So, here are the tips to fix your weight loss goals and get your desired fit body.


1. Increase Protein Intake

With age, metabolism slows down in your body. You can blame your hormones too, for this reason. Not just with age, your metabolic rate naturally slows down due to low estrogen levels.

Therefore, you start accumulating more fat, especially around your waistline. Not just that, hormonal changes caused by menopause contribute to fat accumulation and fat distribution.

However, you can boost metabolism by including healthy amounts of protein in your diet. This results in a slow release of energy from the calories and sustained fat burning. It is recommended to consume more proteins in your breakfast.


2. Strength training is important

strength training to los

After the age of 40, you’ll start losing muscle mass as well which is the calorie-burning engine in your body. The other reason can be linked to dropping estrogen and testosterone levels in your body.

Due to such factors, you don’t burn calories the same way as you did when you were young. So, if you can do strength training, start with those workouts two or three times a week. Strength training or resistance training workouts help to rebuild muscle mass, burn excess calories, keeps your bones and body strong and healthy.


3. Have Smaller Meals

Nutritionist experts suggest having five smaller meals throughout the day rather than having three big meals. This way it prevents you from being sluggish and instead boosts your metabolism to keep you active all day. Start with proteins for the breakfast and then consume smaller meals.


4. Increase Water intake

Drinking sufficient water throughout the day keeps your body and skin healthy. It keeps your body hydrated and decreases food cravings. Moreover, by drinking water 30 mins before having a meal, you can control your portion size because you tend to feel fuller. This way include more nutritious foods and enough water intake in your diet.


5. Your Body becomes Insulin resistance

As you get older and gain extra pounds, your body starts ignoring insulin (the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels).

Consequently, as your cells are not absorbing insulin, blood sugar levels increase. If such is the case, then you’ll feel more hungry, and perhaps experience more cravings. Not only you will then put on weight, but it also puts you at greater risk of type 2 diabetes.

To avoid insulin resistance (glucose overload), try incorporating a balanced diet which is a mix of Good Carbohydrates, Protein, and Good Fats.


6. Engage yourself!

Life makes you less active, especially after 40 years. Achy joints and muscle cramps are common amongst most women which eventually makes them less active.

So, don’t stop. Just keep moving. You don’t need to do intense workouts but just engage in doing brisk walks or light walks. Staying active enhance your metabolism, boost your mood, reduce weight, and help you feel better.

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Moreover, exercising regularly also reduces chronic health conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.


7. Change Sleep patterns

strength training

At this age, many people report difficulty sleeping issues. Sometimes, though you have a full night’s sleep, you perhaps don’t feel rested due to a lack of energy to exercise or be active.

The two biggest sleep disruptors at this age are night sweats and hot flashes. That’s usually happening due to changes in hormones. Therefore, if night sweats if your problem, take a cool shower before bed and wear breathable pajamas. Also, avoid caffeine or alcohol consumption which triggers hot flashes.


Up to the very end!

Hope this article helps you to lose weight even after 40 years of age. If you’ve any queries please let us know by leaving a comment below.

Up next: Cheat Meal Strategies for Weight Loss


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