Is it safe to use Steroids?

The first thing that comes to a person’s mind when she hears the word “steroid” is a performance enhancement. Steroids help men to enhance their physical structure by increasing the level of testosterone and also affects secondary male characteristics. Steroids have serious implications and can affect your health seriously. Due to its capability to damage an individual’s health, it is banned in most of the countries in the world, including the United States. It is illegal to sell, buy or possess steroids in the United States, without a legitimate prescription from a medical professional.


As mentioned above, they lead to the development of secondary male characteristics like hair patterns, aggressive behavior, and muscles.

Hence they’re used to treat certain medical conditions.

It’s perfectly legal to obtain steroids when the patient undergoing such medical treatments has a prescription of a medical practitioner.

But in the absence of it, it can lead to severe punishment under the law of the state. Due to this reason, steroids are completely banned in the sports sector of the world. Athletes are particularly asked to abstain from the usage of such substances and in the event of the failure to abstain leads to being banned from participating in any kind of sports event. This helps in keeping the integrity of sports alive.


Side effects of Steroids

Usage of steroids can lead to detrimental health issues,

  • Men suffer tremendously from this as it can lead to severe acne issues, baldness, scarring, heart diseases, atrophy of male gonads, development of male breast tissues and more of such horrific developments in the body.
  • It also damages the immunity system in such a way that it can cause jaundice, tumors, and blood
    pressure problems.
  • Loss of fertility, deepening voice, abrupt menstrual cycle and growth of facial hair are some common problems that women face due to the usage of steroids.
  • The steroid users suffer heavily from psychosis and mania.
  • Usage of the needle for recreational purposes is not safe. They lead to HIV or even Hepatitis B and


Another reason why it is illegal to consume is because of roid rage.

A man is usually known for his aggressive behavior. It is a dominant part of male characteristics. After injecting steroids, the hormones are modulated due to which a man becomes much more aggressive which is not good for his health. This violent nature can cause injury or worse, the death of the person involved and people in close proximity to him. It has destroyed many families, marriages and relationships. The steroid users suffer heavily from psychosis and mania.

Usage of the needle for recreational purposes is not safe. They lead to HIV or even Hepatitis B and
C. Such high risks of blood-borne diseases are fatal to the user and destroy the lives of people
connected to him.

Steroids are sold in black markets and are another form of drug dealing. If caught, you can be
imprisoned for a long time and even fined heavily.

They should not be bought from a person without a verified license. Make sure if bought for a treatment, it is legal and legitimate to prevent the law from taking an action against you.


Steroids in Medicine

In medicine, taking steroids is mostly justified. However, patients, even suffering from serious
ailments, which can only be cured by anabolics, are often afraid to use anabolic agents.

Why? It’s simple.

It is believed that anabolics have disastrous health effects. This is partly true. After all, excessive use of, for example, oral anabolic drugs leads to serious deviations in the liver. But oral steroids have never been used in medical practice, they are used only in isolated cases when the patient has a pathological fear of injections or immunity to a particular injection.


Other Side Effects of Steroids

There are other side effects of steroids, frightening not only patients but also doctors. This is primarily an increase in blood pressure, accumulation of excess fluids in the body, leading to gynecomastia, a decrease in the production of natural testosterone and some other ailments. But all this is only potential risk. Plus gynecomastia, water retention and insufficient concentration of male hormones can be easily neutralized with the help of assistive agents such as antiestrogens and testosterone boosters.

In most cases, doctors prescribe steroids to patients in injections, in fact, not able to lead to deviations in the work of the body. For example, Testosterone is often used in medicine (it is prescribed to increase the production of natural testosterone during replacement therapy and in some other cases). Another steroid nandrolone is administered for rapid recovery of the body after surgery, burns and other injuries. Boldenone is recommended for use in muscle degradation to stimulate muscle growth and development and increase body weight. And this list of steroids and their beneficial effects can be continued almost indefinitely.



In addition, it is necessary to understand that almost all serious negative effects of anabolic drugs, as well as all pharmacological agents, are manifested only when overestimating dosages or with too frequent use. But in medicine, injectable steroids are administered in small doses and at long intervals, when compared with sports practice.

But anyway, no arguments are able to sway public opinion. And so buy steroids necessary for the treatment of specific diseases, today you can only on the Internet. Perhaps in the future, the situation will change, people, and most importantly the bureaucrats behind the ban on anabolic drugs, will understand that the benefits of these drugs are much more than the harm potential or existing. And finally, everyone will be able to purchase the steroids they need, at least according to a prescription from a doctor.


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