What happens if you eat Expired Yogurt?

Have you ever eaten expired yogurt?

Do you know what happens if you eat expired yogurt?

Many people have a misconception that there’s nothing bad about eating expired yogurt since it already contains bacteria. Though yogurt is made by fermenting the milk it’s not advised to consume expired yogurt because it may sometimes cause food poisoning.

However, you can consume yogurt for a week or 10 days after the sell-by date according to eatbydate.


[Read: How to tell if  yogurt is bad?]

If you have a fear that you consumed expired yogurt and experiencing side effects then it’s better to consult a doctor.

Let’s look into the side effects caused if you eat expired yogurt?



What happens if you eat expired yogurt?

You will sometimes experience several side effects like.


1. Diarrhoea

This is the most common symptom you will experience when you eat expired yogurt or foods. The severity of consuming expired yogurt can range from mild to severe. According to the centre for disease control, foodborne illness is caused by bacteria which is not properly handled or stored in preserved foods like yogurt.

Although yogurt contains good bacteria, it’s not a hard job for it to accumulate bad or harmful bacteria which will cause diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea is a common symptom when you consume expired foods as our body is trying to get rid of harmful bacteria provided by the yogurt.

If you experience mild diarrhoea you can simply hydrate your body by drinking more water. If it’s a severe case you must consult a doctor.



2. Stomach Cramps

You may also experience cramps in the abdominal area if you consume expired or spoiled yogurt. Once you consumed spoiled foods, there will be a delay with the symptoms of illness to sprout up. It may take few hours to days, depending upon how much bacteria and what kind of bacteria you consumed.

If you diagnose symptoms of illness within few hours then you can hydrate your body with water. Else if your cramping is severe you must seek medical advice.



3. Vomiting

Vomiting is like the third phase in food poisoning. You will experience this condition after diarrhoea and cramps. Your body will try to get rid of harmful toxins or bacteria in any way – vomiting or diarrhoea. Extensive vomiting can lead to dehydration, weakness, fatigue, and electrolyte imbalance. Most of these conditions will last up to 48 hours. For proper health and if these conditions prevail more than 48 hours you must seek medical attention.

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As “Prevention is better than cure”, if you find a past sell-by date yogurt container which tastes sour or if you observe any mold and fluids coming up from the surface, it’s better to toss out the container than risking your health. Your health is within your hands. So, try to consume preserved products like yogurt before the sell-by time frame.

I hope this article is useful to you. Share your experiences of consuming expired foods if any in the comment section below.


References: 1,2,3, 4


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