How to tell if Yogurt is Bad and Expired?

Does Yogurt get expired? How to tell if Yogurt is Bad? Can you eat yogurt past its expiration date?

May Be! or May not be!

Let’s check it out, you’re eating a good yogurt or an inedible expired yoghurt?


1. How to tell if Yogurt is bad?


how to tell if yogurt is bad

Yogurt is actually processed or made by fermenting the milk. So, many people fall in an illusion that there’s nothing bad about eating expired yogurt since it already contains bacteria.

However, this is not the true justification!

You should not eat an expired yogurt considering it’s not bad to have it. Though consuming an expired yogurt is not fatal yet it may cause food poisoning.

[Read: What happens if you eat expired yogurt?]


The true key of knowing yogurt is good or bad depends on how to store them, which type of yogurt last how long, what kind of yogurt it is and the right time to get rid of yogurt containers.

There are numerous varieties and flavours of yogurt such as Greek yogurt, low-fat yogurt, frozen yogurt, yogurt with fruits and drinkable yogurt.



2. How long does Yogurt last in the fridge?

According to eatbydate, let’s know how long does yogurt last past its sell-by date when properly stored?

how to tell if yogurt is bad


It’s clearly depicted that yogurt lasts for a short time when it’s not properly stored. Despite that, it’s not unsafe to eat expired yogurt.  The sell-by date on the product simply indicates the last date until which the manufacturer should consider the product’s quality but not the safety of a product. You need not set a timeframe to consume yogurt. If you bought yogurt on June 23, and if the sell-by date on the product is June 24, you can still eat yogurt for more 7 days after the expiration date.

Another best way!

To test the quality or to know that yogurt is safe to consume is by using nose and your eyes.  It’s pretty easy to diagnose an expired yogurt if you see a mold growing at the surface or if there’s an increased amount of liquid. However, a small amount of liquid is totally fine since it’s called Whey and contains several nutrients. On that condition, if there’s no liquid and mold but if the yogurt smells sour then its time to toss out that container.


3. How to store Yogurt?

There are so many benefits of proper food storage. You can eat healthy food, cut down food wastages and food costs. The shelf life of yogurt also depends on the way you store it. You should stock up all the purchased dairy products immediately in the refrigerator to keep them fresh for a longer time. If you want to store your yogurt container for a long time then freeze them for a month or two.

Yogurt should be sealed in the original container itself or if it’s opened you must seal it in an airtight container. Sealing the container tightly will help to keep yogurt fresh as it does not allow bacteria.

According to FDA administration, all the perishable goods if are at the room temperature for more than two hours than there is a chance of growth of harmful bacteria.



4. How long does yogurt stay good out of the fridge?

According to US department of health and human services, you should toss out the container if it’s at the room temperature for more than two hours. That said, you may not get sick or be prone to some fatal diseases if yogurt is out at the room temperature for long hours. Most importantly, you also can’t judge it’s edibility by its taste because Greek Yogurt is already sour.

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Whatsoever, there are health problems that are associated with spoiled or expired foods. So, always maintain proper food storage and consume your foods before they shelf life get expired.



5. How does bad Yogurt look like?

Several studies have proven that Yogurt will go bad. Generally, yogurt lasts for a week or 10 days after the sell-by date. Although if you find any signs like mold, discolouration, curdling, liquids oozing out from the surface, and strong unnatural odour it’s time toss out your container without any worries.


By now you could probably understand how to tell if yogurt is bad or expired?

Though our body has a strong immune system which can withstand several diseases and the acids in our stomach for digestion we need to be cautious. Don’t neglect your health consuming expired foods because some may be good but most of the expired foods are associated with several health issues. So, always practise food safety, proper food storage and consume your foods before the expiration date.


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