For every woman, it is a significant and common problem which they should face every month during menstruation. Some people get periods on time and some might not get on time. Many women will face this situation due to hormonal imbalances and due to certain medications. Nowadays many teenage girls are also facing such situations.
Eating the right foods during the period time can help you with period problems such as irregular periods, cramps, hormonal imbalances, etc. So here I am listing out some of the best and worst foods that you should prefer to eat and avoid during that time.
better food choices during periods

Best Foods to Eat During Your Periods Time


1. Water

Every doctor suggests you consume more water daily to stay hydrated. But some people won’t prefer to take more water, especially during period time. During your period time, you will get dehydrated when you don’t prefer to take more water in a day. Drinking 8 to 9 glasses of water during normal days and on period time can help you to reduce heavy bloating.

2. Fruits and Vegetables

fruits and vegetables during periods
As in the above point, I have mentioned that women during periods should have more water intake in a day. That is not only enough to include in your diet, but you should also include some of the fruits and vegetables. So that sweet and tasty fruits are not only good for health but also make you healthier at that time.
You have to prefer eating fruits like apple, orange, Grapes and you can also include some of the water-rich fruits such as cucumber, watermelon, and strawberries to get more hydrated in that situation. You can also add some of the vegetables into your diet such as leafy vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, etc in your diet to maintain a healthy lifestyle. All the vegetables that you include in your diet at that time help you to increase your iron levels if you are suffering from heavy bloating. Except for papaya, you can eat any fruit during your period time.
For Example:
In general, everyone knows that eating one banana daily makes your digestion feel good. Bananas contain a high content of fiber, vitamin B6, and potassium. So, it’s one of the fantastic food to boost your energy and makes you more healthy.

3. Oats

oats during periods
Taking oats daily helps you feel less hungry throughout the whole day. Many people prefer to eat it at breakfast or dinner and some people also follow a good diet through different plans. These are loaded with high fiber, magnesium, and zinc which helps to reduce menstrual pain easily through fewer symptoms. When you include oats or oatmeal in your diet it can reduce the risk of heart diseases, blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. For sure it can be a healthy diet at any period of time and lessen the menstruation pain and heavy bleeding.

4. Meat

meat during periods
You can eat any kind of meat at the time of menstruation to add some of the proteins to your diet. At that time we will have more iron deficiency because we will lose more blood. It is helpful to reduce menstrual cramps and helps you to build more vitamins and minerals through it.

Some Worst Foods To Avoid in Your Periods Time


1.Dairy Products

As milk contains calcium, it provides some of the strength to your bones. Preferring to eat or drink dairy products such as milk, curd, and buttermilk are good at normal times but they are worst during menstruation time. They will have a high impact on your body when you try to prefer it such as heavy menstrual pain and bloating. Many people will have a habit of drinking more coffee or tea. But it is the worst thing to do at menstruation time if you don’t want to worsen the cramps. Dairy products perhaps make you feel more uncomfortable at that time.

2. Sugar  

no sugar during periods
Everyone should remember about avoiding sugary foods at the time of periods. You should not avoid it entirely but you can limit sugar consumption during menstruation time. Mostly try to avoid some of the sugary foods like cakes, candies, ice creams, donuts, etc. When you take it more it leads to heavy bloating and causes menstrual cramps.

3. Processed and Spicy Foods

Most people like to prefer junk foods such as french fries, baked foods, cookies, pizzas, chips, and other refined foods that contain more trans fat. Such processed foods don’t have any nutritional or health value. In addition, sometimes you will also face digestion problems. That’s the reason doctors suggest avoiding junk or processed food to reduce digestion problems.


no salt during periods
Table salt makes your food tastier but you need to limit the consumption. Excess consumption of salt can increase the blood pressure in your body. High or low blood pressure is the major problem everyone is facing right now at an early age. Considering to take a limited amount of salt is more important during menstruation time because it can cause heavy pain, bloating, and menstrual cramps.


Before the period time, many people will try to eat papaya or drink as a juice that helps to get early periods but it is the worst fruit to prefer during period time. Papaya can increase the chances of heavy bleeding when you consume it more. It is an extraordinary fruit that contains different vitamins such as Vitamin A, and Vitamin C, and also helps to maintain better health but avoid consuming during periods.

6. Carbonated Drinks

no carbonated drinks during periods
Many people prefer to drink more soft and carbonated drinks mostly in the summer season. Mostly these drinks help you to gain more weight with added sugars when you prefer to consume more. Soft drinks such as soda, Coca-Cola products, etc are the most used carbonated drinks in India.  Also some times the carbonated drinks can reduce gastric pain and makes your digestion much better. Sometimes they can also cause heavy bloating during your period time.
Up to the very end!
These are some of the best and worst foods you can eat and avoid during the period time. Hope this article is helpful for you. Please comment below if you have any queries.

Up Next: 7 Things Gynecologist Warns you to stop on periods

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