The best exercises to reduce belly fat and get you in shape

Well, it’s a universal fact that exercising the body greatly burns the belly fat. Yes, it’s totally true. After completion of my graduation, I have been through a sedentary lifestyle for quite a couple of months. At that moment, my daily activities were like eating & unwinding. Gradually my belly started growing more and more. Gaining weight is not inevitable!!

However, It’s a matter of utmost importance because no one wants to have a big fat belly which looks unappealing in whatever outfit we get dressed up. So, as I was out of shape, I thought I need to hit the gym soon. I got trained with 10 exercises. Those exercises shockingly transformed my fat belly to a lean stomach. But I can say exercising is merely not the reason behind me losing belly fat, but also by being on a proper diet. Exercising and proper diet are the two important factors which constitute in reducing belly fat.

[Read: Perfect diet plan for healthy body]


Why do you get belly fat?


#1. Following a sedentary lifestyle

Like me, if you follow inactive lifestyle you’re sure prone to be a victim of belly fat. This is the major cause of belly fat because when we sit ideally and stick to Tv or couch there are more chances for the fat to get stored as belly fat. Our body needs some kind of exercise on a daily basis though we have a lean body.

#2. Overeating

At times we can’t stop our cravings instead, want to munch on so much food. I can’t resist myself when I get encountered by pizzas, pastries blah blah. Sadly we are the ones who feel agitated at the end as we’re solely responsible for the huge tummy. Nevertheless, I can’t, you can’t stop the cravings but can win over the stubborn belly fat with a proper diet plan.

[Read: Follow this diet plan to quickly lose belly fat]


#3. Menopause

This is so common for women. Hormonal changes at menopause stage will lead to fat storage in the abdomen.

#4. Consumption of sugary products

Sugary products include processed foods, foods high in carbs, alcoholic beverages, fruit juices. Such foods contain simple sugars that break down easily in the body and generate lots of energy. This energy gets stored as belly fat.

#5. Genetics

Of course, none of us can’t do anything with this problem. If our granddad and grandmom or mom and dad have belly fat we may get the same structure.

#6. No sleep

Insomnia or lack of sleep will cause a huge number of problems. Belly fat is one amongst them. We should parallelize our body with work and rest. How much work our body has, similar kind of rest is needed for the body.

#7. Stress and anxiety

Like insomnia, stress or anxiety also have tons of problems. Our body, organs of the body, the mind should be at the Serenity state always and always.

[Also read: How to reduce belly fat without exercise]


10 Best Exercises to reduce Belly fat in a month


exercises to reduce belly fat or lose belly fat



Point to remember:

The ab exercises (1 to 9 in the list) will not greatly reduce belly fat. Don’t do the ab exercises intensely.

Whilst the cardio exercises can be done rigorously because they do help greatly in losing belly fat.


1. Crunches

exercises to reduce belly fat or lose belly fat at home


exercises to reduce belly fat or lose belly fat
Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons


Crunches help to an extent in losing belly fat. Why only to an extent because they target the side and front abdominal area. Although, they will work the muscles more.

How to do
  1. Lie on the ground completely
  2. Lift the Knees up in 90 degrees angle, as shown in the picture
  3. Put both hands underneath the head
  4. Now, by inhaling deeply lift the body to some extent (as much as you can, but don’t sit straight)
  5. Get back to the ground again by exhaling
  6. Repeat at least 10 times


2. Side Crunch


exercises to reduce belly fat and lose belly fat
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons


Alike crunches, instead of lifting the body upwards you need to tilt sideways along with shoulders and legs.



3. Planks

exercises to reduce belly fat and lose belly fat
Image courtesy of Pixabay


The plank exercises target the muscles around the abdomen, lower back and hip

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How to do
  1. Lie down towards the ground
  2. Slowly lift up yourself in straight line posture
  3.  Hold yourself in straight line position for 30 secs
  4. Support your legs on toes and shoulders on hands
  5. Inhale and exhale while you hold the position


4. Side Plank/ side raises

exercises to reduce belly fat and lose belly fat
Image courtesy Pixabay


Again same like planks hold the position for 30 secs but now towards the side.


5. Push ups


exercises to reduce belly fat and lose belly fat


exercises to reduce belly fat and lose belly fat

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Pushups provide a workout to the abs, thereby letting the fat to burn off.

How to do
  1. Hold the torso straight (Torso is the trunk of the body)
  2. Separate the legs slightly
  3. We can position the hands in vertical, diamond or wide-arm posture.
  4. Vertical and wide arm posture is shown in the image
  5. The diamond position is to put both the hands in diamond shape right under the chest
  6. Arms half bent, lower yourself until you touch the ground with chest and return back to the same posture.
  7. Do for 10 times by inhaling and exhaling


6. Burpees

exercises to reduce belly fat and lose belly fat
Image courtesy Flickr


Burpees are the mishmash of pushups and squats. Burpees are great in reducing belly fat because they will work the lower body as well upper body and also stimulate the abdomen.

How to do
  1. Firstly, begin with a squat position
  2. Then push up position
  3. Again return to squat position
  4. Now, stand and jump high


7. Squats


exercises to reduce belly fat and lose belly fat
Image courtesy Pixabay


Squats help in calorie burn and can reduce belly fat.

How to do
  1. Squats are the same as situps
  2. Bend your knees, lower yourself downwards and back to an upward direction
  3. Repeat for 10 times by inhaling and exhaling


8. Leg extensions

exercises to reduce belly fat and lose belly fat


exercises to reduce belly fat and lose belly fat
Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons


My favorite part of the exercise is leg extensions. We need not stress much but extend our legs however we like to, upwards or downwards, or whatever way we’re flexible. But for the effective result, we should try extending legs by putting on some weight like in the picture.


9. The Vaccum stomach

exercises to reduce belly fat and lose belly fat
Image courtesy Flickr


This exercise trains internal abs by strengthening the abdominal wall. By holding the breath we hold the internal abs tight which helps in reducing belly fat.

How to do
  1. In any posture inhale deeply by tightening the abdomen
  2. Likewise, exhale by loosening your abdomen.
  3. Hold the posture for 30 secs
  4. Repeat the process

10. Cardiovascular exercises


exercises to reduce belly fat and lose belly fat
Image courtesy Pixabay


Even if we don’t have fat content in our body cardio exercises are a must. Our body pretty much needs some kind of exercise and so if we follow up the cardio exercises we surely stay fit and lean forever.

Some of the cardio exercises are,
  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Skipping
  • In place running/jumping
  • Swimming
  • Brisk walks
  • Cycling


Stay fit!! Stay happy!!

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  1. Arpit Thakkar July 6, 2017 at 2:05 pm

    Great article. Shared it with my fatty friend, lets hope the result is positive.

  2. Ana January 13, 2019 at 10:33 pm

    Do these exercises need to have balance diet as well ?

    1. divya paladugu January 14, 2019 at 11:49 pm

      Yes, exercise and a balanced diet are equally important to lose belly fat. A balanced diet and sufficient exercise to the body is essential not only to lose weight but also to maintain a healthy body.

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