Aromatherapy for Body Aches: How to use Essential Oils to relieve Sore Muscles

Many studies have estimated that almost 80% of Americans experience back pain at some point in their lives. Acute back pain might require certain medications or simply rest whereas chronic cases require certain changes in lifestyle.

One of the effective treatments to cure such chronic body aches can be essential oils. Various impeccable properties of essential oils can soothe the pain and reduce inflammation.

Keep reading to find out how Aromatherapy can be used to ease body aches.


Aromatherapy Benefits for Body Aches

Aromatherapy for body aches is the most accepted and helpful forms of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). CAM is defined as promoting healthiness, alleviating diseases, and alleviating various remedial situations, this is accurately what aromatherapy can do. Many reliable studies have pointed out that aromatherapy can help many physical, psychological, and emotional symptoms and conditions, so it can significantly reduce public expenditure on drug intervention and related health professional costs. And aromatherapy is more likely to help prevent the appearance and further deterioration of the disease, rather than waiting for symptoms to appear before treatment. [1]


Does Aromatherapy for Body Aches Work?


Aromatherapy is an investment in your future health. New statistics show that 90% of back pain patients rely on paracetamol for pain relief. Emerging evidence suggests that the drug is not only ineffective but may also cause harm when taken for a long time. Don’t be one of the 26 million people in the UK who are regularly harmed! Half of the patients with back pain suffer for several months at a time, and more than a quarter suffer from long-term pain, making life very uncomfortable. Only you can stop this cycle today by visiting a trained practitioner. [2] [3]


Employers should also be aware of employee absenteeism due to stress-related symptoms in recent years. National statistics for 2017/2018 show that 15.4 million days were lost due to stress, compared with 45% of days lost due to other ill-health problems. Aromatherapy is a popular national choice for stress reduction and control, and a catalog of other health conditions-because of this, more and more employers (and insurance companies) now have the vision to include aromatherapy as part of their employees’ benefits Precaution.


Aromatherapy promotes health protection by using a mixture of essential oils with specific therapeutic properties. It can be used in conjunction with massage or can be performed under the guidance of a professional essential oil therapist at home. These oils have many healing properties and can also be used in conjunction with other complementary therapies and orthodox treatments.


Essential oils to relieve body aches and how to use them

essential oils for aromatherapy

Essential oils for body aches include strenuous plant extracts, aromatherapy, and some essential oils that can help relieve neuropathic pain. Neuropathy is a general term for diseases caused by nerve damage. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is the most common form of neuropathy, 50% of diabetic patients are affected by this.

Peripheral neuropathy usually affects the hands and feet of a person. It can cause pain, tingling, and numbness. Other types of neuropathy may also develop in diabetic patients. Studies have shown that some essential oils may help reduce pain caused by inflammation and nerve damage. However, most of the existing research comes from animal models and case studies.


What causes body aches?

aromatherapy for body aches

Body aches and nerve damage can be caused by a variety of health conditions, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Trauma
  • Nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin B-1, B-6 and B-12, niacin and vitamin E
  • Toxin
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Viral disease
  • Cancer
  • Cancer treatment
  • Genetic condition

As you can see, damaged nerves can be caused by many factors. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Research, diabetic neuropathy is the main cause of polyneuropathy.

Nerve damage can cause the following problems: pain, numbness, tingling, burning, sensitivity, muscle weakness, paralysis, changes in digestive function, sexual problems, etc. Nerve pain is generally considered to be strong, sharp, sensitive to touch, and stinging.

Peripheral neuropathy is a typical nerve pain felt in the fingers and toes, but it can also be felt as poor coordination, thermal intolerance, or bladder and bowel problems.

From the perspective of functional medicine, pain management considers the whole person: emotion, culture, personal history, and detailed health history. When using this holistic view, neuropathic pain can often be treated more effectively.


The 5 Essential oils to try out

essential oils for body aches

According to the latest research recommend that essential oils for body aches such as peppermint, Roman chamomile, and lavender may help relieve body aches. Additional study is required to completely evaluate the possible advantage, threat, and effectiveness.

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Oils that help neuralgia tingling and burning include immortelle, clove, orange blossom, Douglas fir, copaiba, turmeric, etc. A blend of essential oils called past tense and dark blue may also help effectively reduce neuropathic pain. [4]

How do these oils treat this pain? Read the research information below for more information. Remember, most research on essential oils for Body aches is early. This should not prevent you from obtaining safe and natural health solutions. They are functional drugs because they help treat the underlying cause of pain. [5]

1. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint essential oil is famous to unwind muscles, control muscle spasms. Menthol is one of the active ingredients in peppermint essential oil and is a known analgesic and cooling agent.  Besides, peppermint essential oil has been shown to help relieve headaches. It can also help fight inflammation.  According to published studies, peppermint oil has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, analgesic, anti-radiation, and anti-edema properties, and may be used for body aches.

2. Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman chamomile essential oil is distilled and extracted from the flowers of the plant. It has a sweet, fresh, apple-like fruity aroma. After distillation, the color of the fresh oil varies from peacock blue to dark green and becomes dark yellow after storage. Although the color becomes lighter, the effectiveness of essential oils will not be reduced. Roman chamomile essential oil has been used as a mild tranquilizer to calm nerves and reduce anxiety by promoting relaxation. Roman chamomile also helps relieve muscle pain.

3. Lavender Essential Oil

In the world of essential oils, lavender is one of the most popular essential oils in the world. Most books on aromatherapy oils often mention lavender, from helping the environment to helping your body. No one likes aches, whether in adolescence or adulthood. Lavender essential oil is very effective for body aches, especially for those who do not like to use chemicals or have sensitive skin.

4. Fennel oil

For those suffering from body aches or chronic bone/muscle discomfort, the use of fennel oil has been shown to relieve muscle tension and prevent cramps or pain. For fibromyalgia, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis patients, this treatment is very effective.

Many people choose to add a few drops of fennel oil to their herbal teas or mix them with warm water. Inhalation of this oil is not common, but it can also be used for local pain in the head and stomach.


How to use essential oils to treat body aches

Try these Methods as below to treat any kind of body aches.

essential oils for reducing body aches


Aromatherapy refers to the inhalation of essential oils. Inhaling these fragrances helps to actively counteract physical and mental health. The correct aromatic compounds have been shown to have therapeutic effects. Experts believe that aromatherapy activates areas in your nose called small receptors, which send messages to your brain through your nervous system. These oils are then thought to activate specific areas of your brain that contribute to your emotions, such as your limbic system and hypothalamus.

Local application

Some essential oils work well when applied topically, but this must usually be done with diluted essential oils. Some essential oils contain high concentrations of compounds found in plants. If they are applied to the skin without being diluted, they can be irritating.

It is usually recommended to test essential oils on a small part of the skin and observe their effects. If a rash or irritation occurs, you may not want to use it more widely.


Up to the very end!

These are some of the essential oils that could help you ease body aches. Try them and let us know your experience by leaving a comment below.

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