6 Elixirs to Drink Up for a Healthy Glowing Skin

As we age, we tend to observe a compromised skin barrier. Watch out for common signs like fine lines, redness, itchiness, tightness, pigmentation, and rashes.

If you are having any of these common skin issues then it’s time to take proper skincare.

Well, skincare is not only about topical applications but it also about the internal changes to bring out the glow from the inside. One such process is to drink up healthy glowing skin drinks and juices to maintain a healthy skin barrier.

In this article, you’ll get to know everything about juices for healthy glowing skin. Keep reading!


6 Glowing Skin Drinks for a Healthy Skin barrier



1. Carrot Juice

carrot juice

Carrot juice provides a rich source of beta carotene and vitamin c, the two antioxidants that help to protect your skin from damage. In addition, carrot juice boosts the production of collagen which strengthen the skin.

The nutrients in carrot juice are highly beneficial for skin health. Drinking a glass of carrot juice every day in the morning will add a glow to your skin from within.

A study found that a diet that contains beta carotenoid perhaps protects your skin from UV damage and improves overall skin appearance.


2. Beetroot Juice

beetroot juice

Another most popular drink which acts as a blood purifier is Beetroot juice. Beetroots are also a rich source of vitamin c which keeps your skin glowing and healthy. Also, it helps in clearing blemishes, uneven skin, scars while giving your skin a natural glow.

Drink a glass of Beetroot juice as an early morning drink to clear the blood and body off the toxins.

Surprisingly, Beetroot juice may also improve your resistance or stamina while you exercise.


3. Tomato Juice

tomato juice

Incorporating Tomatoes into the skincare routine has been followed for ages. Drinking a glass of Tomato juice every day can improve the health and appearance of your skin. Tomatoes contain B vitamins which have anti-aging properties that may help reduce fine lines, age spots, wrinkles, and uneven skin.

Besides, eating tomatoes can contribute to cell repair which may reduce hyperpigmentation and sun damage.

The antioxidants in tomatoes like vitamin c and lycopene fight free radicals, stimulate collagen production, soothe skin inflammation, and moisturize your skin.


Quick pause here guys! I get a lot of questions from my subscribers saying “Divya, How do I work on my Acne or Pigmentation problems? How do I get a Clear and Glowing Skin? 

The best advice I would give them is to understand the skin and then you can find out the right solution with ease. 

If you still think you’ve bad skin, I’ve an ebook specifically curated for you to help you solve your major bothering skin problem and get clear glowing skin in 30 days. The ebook contains 16 Skincare changes, powerful Ayurvedic home remedies, Skin cleansing diet and much more that would add glow to your skin. 

If you’re interested, download it here.


4. Spinach Juice

spinach juice

Spinach juice is another great source of vitamin A. A cup of spinach juice contains about 35 to 38% of the DV for vitamin C. There are several studies that show, Spinach juice works effectively for protecting your skin against oxidative stress, sun damage, inflammation, regulate skin cell generation, synthesize collagen, and increase iron absorption which thereby helps prevent hair loss associated with iron deficiency.

So, spinach juice overall contains vitamins A and C, the two macronutrients that promote skin and hair health.

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5. Pomegranate Juice

pomegranate juice

Antioxidants like Vitamin C are abundantly found in pomegranates. Drinking a glass of pomegranate juice every day reduces cellular damage in your body.

The antioxidants are also responsible to decrease age spots, wrinkles, and pigmented skin. Pomegranate juice increases the cell regeneration process, which is your skin’s ability to get rid of dead skin cells faster. This means the surface layer of your skin will be more rejuvenated, plump, and glowing,


6. Apple Juice

pomegranate juice

No wonder, an apple a day keeps the doctor away! Drinking apple juice every day increases antioxidant activity in your blood. Therefore, apple juice helps brighten the skin, hydrates, keeps skin supple, reduces dark circles, offers protection from UV rays works as a natural toner and adds glow to your skin on daily consumption.


Up to the very end!

These are some of the common juices you could take on a daily basis to get healthy glowing skin. Please comment below if you have any queries. We’d be happy to help you.


Up Next: How to prevent, treat, and repair the damaged skin barrier?

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